Friday, February 26, 2010
【《独立新闻在线》社论】首相兼巫统主席纳吉的特别事务助理纳西尔(Nasir Safar)因于本月二日在一场“一个马来西亚”研讨会上指说“印度人来马来西亚当乞丐、华人特别是女人来卖身”而惹祸,当天旋即辞职。以马来西亚的“国情”而言,纳西尔失言当天即“被迫”辞职,堪称“兵贵神速”,纳吉只是牺牲一个小喽啰(还谈不上壮士断臂),就换来赞许称道,成本何其低廉。
纳西尔何许人也?1980年代曾任柔佛州埔莱斯峇当(Pulai Sebatang)州议员、巫统青年团柔佛州团长及笨珍区团团长;据说,时任柔佛州务大臣(现任副首相)慕尤丁有意接任安华依布拉欣卸下的巫青团团长一职,但却因纳西尔提名纳吉而受阻。以此背景,加之以后来出任纳吉的特别助理,形容纳西尔是纳吉的心腹,不会言过其实。
比起巫统喉舌、在马来人社会影响至巨的马来文报章《马来西亚前锋报》(Utusan Malaysia)长期向马来人社群“宣导”种族论述、营造种族政治氛围,比起国家干训局长期向公务员灌输种族仇外思维,比起巫统副主席希山慕丁在巫青团团长任内边骂华印裔公民,边举克里斯短剑(Keris)的举措,纳西尔区区一个过气政客和特别助理的职位,其言论的影响力真的是小巫见大巫。然而,纳西尔失言而去职,人人称快,忘记了比纳西尔更糟糕的祸害,岂不像是得了几颗花生就手舞足蹈、得意忘形的猢狲?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Happy Chinese New Year 2010
DAP urges all Malaysians to reject words and actions which preach hate, lies and violence, and instead adopt values based on knowledge, peace and compassion.
DAP seeks a Middle Malaysia that prefers co-operation not conflict, consultation instead of confrontation and an inclusive shared society rather than an exclusive separate society. A shared society is one that celebrates diversity and assures everyone a place in society by guaranteeing democratic participation, respect for diversity and human dignity,offering equal opportunity; and protection from discrimination.
The continued political prosecution of the Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and BN's refusal to respect the right of Perak people to determine their duly elected state government marks a disturbing departure from the nation's commitment to rule of law, justice, democracy.
Malaysia has no alternative but to be able to compete internationally if we are to transform ourselves to a developed knowledge-intensive economy.
We must put knowledge above connections, needs above race, merits above privileges, public interest above private interest, integrity above corruption, and performance above individual entitlement. In other words, Malaysia requires a people-centric and not a crony-based government.
DAP wishes every Malaysian a happy 2010 Chinese New Year that marks a celebration of good triumphing over evil. DAP hopes that the year of the Tiger will bless every Malaysian with good health, success, prosperity, and peace.
Lim Guan Eng
Secretary General
Democratic Action Party
DAP seeks a Middle Malaysia that prefers co-operation not conflict, consultation instead of confrontation and an inclusive shared society rather than an exclusive separate society. A shared society is one that celebrates diversity and assures everyone a place in society by guaranteeing democratic participation, respect for diversity and human dignity,offering equal opportunity; and protection from discrimination.
The continued political prosecution of the Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and BN's refusal to respect the right of Perak people to determine their duly elected state government marks a disturbing departure from the nation's commitment to rule of law, justice, democracy.
Malaysia has no alternative but to be able to compete internationally if we are to transform ourselves to a developed knowledge-intensive economy.
We must put knowledge above connections, needs above race, merits above privileges, public interest above private interest, integrity above corruption, and performance above individual entitlement. In other words, Malaysia requires a people-centric and not a crony-based government.
DAP wishes every Malaysian a happy 2010 Chinese New Year that marks a celebration of good triumphing over evil. DAP hopes that the year of the Tiger will bless every Malaysian with good health, success, prosperity, and peace.
Lim Guan Eng
Secretary General
Democratic Action Party
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