Monday, February 21, 2011

Will MCA and Chua Soi Lek speak up for the Teoh family?

Politics based along racial lines does not work because it only serves to divide the people. Teoh Beng Hock, is the political aide who died mysteriously, in July 2009 and his death eclipsed all that MCA is supposed to stand for, which is to represent the Malaysian Chinese.

Did the MCA consider Teoh a lesser Chinese because he belonged to the DAP? A good politician should be unbiased in his dealing with people. He should make no discrimination based upon their race, religion, station in life or political affiliation. The good politician would want to win the ‘other side’ over and more importantly, he would want to help people, in the name of unity.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Umno-MCA-BN Parti Kotor, edar risalah Fitnah

Dua minggu lalu, ketika sibuk kempen pilihanraya DUN Tenang, Saya agak terperanjat apabila para peniaga menelefon saya, pintu dan dinding kedai mereka telah di tampal dengan risalah yang tidak bertulis apa-apa, kecuali ada gambar YB Lim Kit Siang dan Tuan Guru Nik Aziz,

Lalu saya tanya kawan-kawan dari PAS, adalah ianya merupakan sebaran dari PAS kerana memang DAP Kuala Terengganu tidak melakukan perkara yang menyusahkan orang ramai itu.

Apabila saya mendapat jawapannya tidak dari para petugas PAS, maka saya tahu ia adalah propaganda murahan Umno-BN